Managing Risks in Hiring and Firing
CLASSIC ARTICLE - No organization can insulate itself completely from employment-related risks. But written policies and a carefully drafted manual can go a long way toward minimizing those risks.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - No organization can insulate itself completely from employment-related risks. But written policies and a carefully drafted manual can go a long way toward minimizing those risks.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - Few tasks are more daunting than firing someone. Because payroll is the biggest expense for most service organizations, however, cuts in staffing are often the only way to reduce costs and ensure survival.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - The legal treatment of charitable organizations in different countries presents a daunting challenge to international funders. Globalization and cross-national grantmaking will require changes in the laws of almost every nation.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - Should a nonprofit corporation form a subsidiary when it starts a business venture? Not necessarily. Creating a subsidiary can protect the parent corporation from liability and might attract new revenue.